Answers for "add java to path mac"


how to add java_home in mac

1. Open terminal window
2. Type command: $ vim ~/.bash_profile and Hit Enter
3. Type command: $ export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) and press Escape key for Save changes.
4. Type command: :(colon)wq, It will Save and close .bash_profile file.
5. Type command: source ~/.bash_profile and hit Enter
6. Now we can check the value of the JAVA_HOME variable:
7. Type Command: echo $JAVA_HOME
 The result should be the path to the JDK installation:
Posted by: Guest on April-05-2020

adding path in mac

The easiest way to add a new path to $PATH (the environment variable) is with the export command. In this example we’ll add “~/opt/bin” to the user PATH with export:

export PATH=$PATH:~/opt/bin

You can run that directly from the command line, then check the $PATH with echo to show that it has been added like so:

echo $PATH
Posted by: Guest on November-25-2020

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