Answers for "Java wrapper classes"


wrapper classes in java

Wrapper classes: classes that are dedicated to primitives        
Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean
presented in "java.lang" package
AutoBoxing: converting primitive values to wrapper class
		int a = 100;
		Integer b = a  // auto boxing
Unboxing: converting wrapper class value to primitives
		Integer a = 100;
		int b = a;  // unboxing
	int a = 100;
	double b = a;    // none
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2021

What are the primitives and wrapper classes in java?

In Java, for each Primitive type, there is a matching class type.
  We call them Wrapper classes:
	Primitive types are the most basic data types
    available within the Java language. 
	There are 8: boolean , byte , char , short ,
                  int , long , float and double . 
	These types serve as the building blocks of
    data manipulation in Java.
	Wrapper classes: Byte, Short, Integer, Long,
                 Float, Double, Boolean, Character
	All the wrapper classes are subclasses
    of the abstract class Number. 
	The object of the wrapper class contains or
      wraps its respective primitive data type. 
	Converting primitive data types into object
    is called boxing, and this is taken care by the compiler.
				1. Wrappers classes are object 
				2. null can only be assigned to classes
				3. Wrapper class does have methods
				4. Primitives does have default values
						default value of primitives:  
								 byte, short, int, long ==> 0
								 float, double ==> 0.0;
								 boolean ==> false;
								 char ==> space		 
				5. Default values of wrapper class: null
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

Java wrapper classes

ArrayList<int> myNumbers = new ArrayList<int>(); // Invalid
Posted by: Guest on August-01-2021

Java wrapper classes

ArrayList<Integer> myNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Valid
Posted by: Guest on August-01-2021

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