Answers for "java command not found windows"


java command not found windows

Have you checked your environment variables for Windows? When you installed the 
JDK/JRE the directory should have been added to the PATH variable. The directory
added needs to contain the java.exe executable. It should be located in 
C:\Program Files\Java or something like that if you installed it using the 
default settings. Once you find that directory find the bin directory inside it.

In order to check that:

1. Right click My Computer and hit Properties
2. On the left side hit Advanced System Settings
3. Hit the Advanced tab and then Environment Variables down at the bottom
4. Find the PATH variable and then hit edit. Confirm that the location of the 
JDK /bin directory is there, if it is not then add it.

Also, if the JAVA_HOME variable isnt already set, this may be a good idea
Posted by: Guest on May-19-2021

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