Answers for "upcasting in java"


upcasting and downcasting in java

A process of converting one data type to another is known as Typecasting and Upcasting and Downcasting is the type of object typecasting. In Java, the object can also be typecasted like the datatypes. Parent and Child objects are two types of objects. So, there are two types of typecasting possible for an object, i.e., Parent to Child and Child to Parent or can say Upcasting and Downcasting.
Posted by: Guest on August-24-2021

upcasting in java

Upcasting is a type of object typecasting in which a child object is typecasted to a parent class object. By using the Upcasting, we can easily access the variables and methods of the parent class to the child class. Here, we don't access all the variables and the method. We access only some specified variables and methods of the child class. Upcasting is also known as Generalization and Widening.
Posted by: Guest on August-24-2021

upcasting java

Upcasting is casting a subtype to a supertype, 
going up in the inheritance tree.
It is done implicitly
 in order to use method available on any
 interface/class, the object should be of
 same class or of class implementing the interface.  
   WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
	TakeScreenShot ts = new ChromeDriver();
Posted by: Guest on January-05-2021

upcasting vs downcasting in java

Upcasting is casting a subtype to a supertype, 
going up in the inheritance tree.
It is done implicitly
 in order to use method available on any
 interface/class, the object should be of
 same class or of class implementing the interface.  
   WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
	TakeScreenShot ts = new ChromeDriver();
Downcasting is casting to a subtype, 
going down in the inheritance tree.
It is done to access sub class features.
It has to be done manually

Posted by: Guest on January-05-2021

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