Answers for "inheritance in oop"


inheritance in oop

to inherite all properties of parent class into itself is called inheritance
it is alse kown as "is-a" relationship 

types of inheritance supported by java :::
    1. single      (one class pro to other) 
    2. multilevel  (one class pro to a and a class to b class pro to another)
    3. hierarical  (one class pro to a class and b class)
Posted by: Guest on March-03-2022

inheritance in oops

it is used to define relationship between two class, 
which a child class occurs all the properties and
behaviours of a parent class. 
Provides code reusability. We can implement by using
extend keyword
Ex: in my framework I have a TestBase class which I store 
all my reusable code and methods. My test execution classes and 
elements classes will extend the TestBase in order to reuse the code.
Posted by: Guest on January-05-2021

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