Answers for "java math factorial"


factorial number in java

int num1 = 6; 
 int num2 = 1;
    for(int a = 1; a<=num1; a++) {
        num2 = num2 * a;
Posted by: Guest on June-04-2021

Factorial program in java

// Factorial program using recursion
public class FactorialRecursion
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int factorial = 1;
      int number = 6;
      factorial = factorialFunction(number);
      System.out.println("Factorial of " + number + " is : " + factorial);
   static int factorialFunction(int num)
      if(num == 0)
         return 1;
         return(num * factorialFunction(num - 1));
Posted by: Guest on December-29-2020

factorial program in java

public class FactorialDemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int number = 6, factorial = 1;
      for(int a = 1; a <= number; a++)
         factorial = factorial * a;
      System.out.println("Factorial of " + number + " is : " + factorial);
Posted by: Guest on October-25-2020

factorial java

double factorial = 1;
double number=30;

while ( numero!=0) {
Posted by: Guest on June-05-2021

factorial method library in java

2.4. Factorial Using Apache Commons Math
Apache Commons Math has a CombinatoricsUtils class with a static factorial method that we can use to calculate the factorial.

To include Apache Commons Math, we'll add the commons-math3 dependency into our pom:

Let's see an example using the CombinatoricsUtils class:

public long factorialUsingApacheCommons(int n) {
    return CombinatoricsUtils.factorial(n);
Posted by: Guest on January-23-2021

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