java print each line of a list
//To print each item in a list we use the print line function
//First we need a list, i will be using an array list to start
String[] animals = {"dog", "cat", "elephant", "moose"};
//Next we need a way to go trhough each value in the list 1 by 1
//We will be using a for loop
for(int i = 0; i < animals.size(); i++){
//Explaining above: while i is less than the amount of values in the list
//AKA the code still has values to check, it will keep looping through the list
//Now we just need to print out the values(you can do whatever you want with the values)
//The line above prints out a word in the list
//Based off of the index(the number assinged to the word) of the word itself
//ex. The index for the word cat in the list is 1 (java starts count at 0)
//The index being printed in the list is whatever index of the list the loop is currently at
//So if the for loop has looped 3 times it will be at elephant