Answers for "how does for loop work in javascript"


javascript for loop

var colors=["red","blue","green"];
for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { 
Posted by: Guest on June-17-2019

javascript loop

let array = ["foo", "bar"]

let low = 0; // the index to start at
let high = array.length; // can also be a number

/* high can be a direct access too
	the first part will be executed when the loop starts 
    	for the first time
	the second part ("i < high") is the condition 
    	for it to loop over again.
    the third part will be executen every time the code 
        block in the loop is closed.
for(let i = low; i < high; i++) { 
  // the variable i is the index, which is
  // the amount of times the loop has looped already
} // i will be incremented when this is hit.

// output: 
Posted by: Guest on December-16-2020

JavaScript Loop

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Basic for loop example improved</title>



    const cats = ['Bill', 'Jeff', 'Pete', 'Biggles', 'Jasmin'];
    let info = 'My cats are called ';
    const para = document.querySelector('p');

    for(let i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
      if(i === cats.length - 1) {
        info += 'and ' + cats[i] + '.';
      } else {
        info += cats[i] + ', ';

    para.textContent = info;


Posted by: Guest on July-13-2021

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