script to unsubscribe all channels on youtube
/** * go to this link: * * then * Right clikc -> inspect -> consol * then copy this code into the consol and hit enter */ /** * Youtube bulk unsubsribe fn. * Wrapping this in an IIFE for browser compatibility. */ (async function iife() { // This is the time delay after which the "unsubscribe" button is "clicked"; Tweak to your liking! var UNSUBSCRIBE_DELAY_TIME = 2000 /** * Delay runner. Wraps `setTimeout` so it can be `await`ed on. * @param {Function} fn * @param {number} delay */ var runAfterDelay = (fn, delay) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { fn() resolve() }, delay) }) // Get the channel list; this can be considered a row in the page. var channels = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName(`ytd-channel-renderer`)) console.log(`${channels.length} channels found.`) var ctr = 0 for (const channel of channels) { // Get the subsribe button and trigger a "click" channel.querySelector(`[aria-label^='Unsubscribe from']`).click() await runAfterDelay(() => { // Get the dialog container... document.getElementsByTagName(`yt-confirm-dialog-renderer`)[0] // and find the confirm button... .querySelector(`#confirm-button`) // and "trigger" the click! .click() console.log(`Unsubsribed ${ctr + 1}/${channels.length}`) ctr++ }, UNSUBSCRIBE_DELAY_TIME) } })()