javascript distance math
math.distance([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) math.distance({pointOneX: 4, pointOneY: 5}, {pointTwoX: 2, pointTwoY: 7}) math.distance([x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]) math.distance({pointOneX: 4, pointOneY: 5, pointOneZ: 8}, {pointTwoX: 2, pointTwoY: 7, pointTwoZ: 9}) math.distance([x1, y1, ... , N1], [x2, y2, ... , N2]) math.distance([[A], [B], [C]...]) math.distance([x1, y1], [LinePtX1, LinePtY1], [LinePtX2, LinePtY2]) math.distance({pointX: 1, pointY: 4}, {lineOnePtX: 6, lineOnePtY: 3}, {lineTwoPtX: 2, lineTwoPtY: 8}) math.distance([x1, y1, z1], [LinePtX1, LinePtY1, LinePtZ1], [LinePtX2, LinePtY2, LinePtZ2]) math.distance({pointX: 1, pointY: 4, pointZ: 7}, {lineOnePtX: 6, lineOnePtY: 3, lineOnePtZ: 4}, {lineTwoPtX: 2, lineTwoPtY: 8, lineTwoPtZ: 5}) math.distance([x1, y1], [xCoeffLine, yCoeffLine, constant]) math.distance({pointX: 10, pointY: 10}, {xCoeffLine: 8, yCoeffLine: 1, constant: 3}) math.distance([x1, y1, z1], [x0, y0, z0, a-tCoeff, b-tCoeff, c-tCoeff]) point and parametric equation of 3D line math.distance([x, y, z], [x0, y0, z0, a, b, c]) math.distance({pointX: 2, pointY: 5, pointZ: 9}, {x0: 4, y0: 6, z0: 3, a: 4, b: 2, c: 0})