Answers for "remove character from string javascript"


How to remove text from a string in javscript

var ret = "data-123".replace('data-','');
console.log(ret);   //prints: 123
Posted by: Guest on March-25-2020

remove first char javascript

let str = 'Hello';
str = str.substring(1);
    Output: ello
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2020

javascript remove character from string

mystring.replace(/r/g, '')
Posted by: Guest on October-08-2020

delate char betwen index js

// First find the substring of the string to replace, then replace the first occurrence of that string with the empty string.

S = S.replace(S.substring(bindex, eindex), "");

//Another way is to convert the string to an array, splice out the unwanted part and convert to string again.

var result = S.split("");
result.splice(bindex, eindex - bindex);
S = result.join("");
Posted by: Guest on June-19-2020

remove two things from javascript string

var removeUselessWords = function(txt) {
    var uselessWordsArray = 
          "a", "at", "be", "can", "cant", "could", "couldnt", 
          "do", "does", "how", "i", "in", "is", "many", "much", "of", 
          "on", "or", "should", "shouldnt", "so", "such", "the", 
          "them", "they", "to", "us",  "we", "what", "who", "why", 
          "with", "wont", "would", "wouldnt", "you"
	  var expStr = uselessWordsArray.join("|");
	  return txt.replace(new RegExp('\\b(' + expStr + ')\\b', 'gi'), ' ')
                    .replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');

var str = "The person is going on a walk in the park. The person told us to do what we need to do in the park";
Posted by: Guest on July-07-2020

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