Answers for "get selected value from dropdown"


Jquery get value of dropdown selected

var conceptName = $('#aioConceptName').find(":selected").text();
Posted by: Guest on August-12-2021

get selected value of dropdown in javascript

   <select id="list" style="padding: 10px;" onchange="getSelectValue();">
     <option value="js">JavaScript</option>
     <option value="php">PHP</option>
     <option value="c#">Csharp</option>
     <option value="java">Java</option>
     <option value="node">Node.js</option>
        function getSelectValue()
            var selectedValue = document.getElementById("list").value;
Posted by: Guest on June-12-2020

selected dropdown value

Plain JavaScript:
var e = document.getElementById("elementId");
var value = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
var text = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;
$("#elementId :selected").text(); // The text content of the selected option
$("#elementId :selected").val(); // The value of the selected option
Posted by: Guest on July-17-2020

How check the selected value in dropdown?

How do you handle Select type of dropdown?
    - If it is <select> we would have to use Select class from Selenium.
    - Methods to select from dropdown:
    Select s = new Select(element);
        - s.selectByVisibleText
        - s.selectByValue
        - s.selectByIndex 
--> How do we verify which option is selected in a dropdown?
    - If we want to get the currently selected option, 
    we use getFirstSelectedOption() method.
Posted by: Guest on May-31-2021

How to select a value in a dropdown

How do you handle Select type of dropdown?
    - If it is <select> we would have to use Select class from Selenium.
    - Methods to select from dropdown:
    Select s = new Select(element);
        - s.selectByVisibleText
        - s.selectByValue
        - s.selectByIndex 
--> How do we verify which option is selected in a dropdown?
    - If we want to get the currently selected option, 
    we use getFirstSelectedOption() method.
        -> return type: currently selected option as a web element
--> .getOptions();
    -> This method will return all of the options in the <select> web element.
    -> return type: List<WebElement>
Posted by: Guest on December-08-2020

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