how to run react native app
react-native run-android
react-native run-ios
how to run react native app
react-native run-android
react-native run-ios
react native installation
npm install -g react-native-cli
//cd to the file where your react native projects will be
react-native init albums
// Run instructions for IOS/Android
cd projects/albums
npx react-native run-ios
npx react-native run-android
get started with react native
//make sure node is installed
>npm i -g expo-cli
>expo init ProjectName
>cd ProjectName
>code .
>expo start
//snippets for react native @ Vcode
#React Native Tools
#Prettier code-formattter
#material icon theme
//IOS Simulator
Xocde -> Development Tool -> Simulator
//for mac users got to
>code ~/.bash_profile
>code ~/.zshrc
and add to both file the following:
export ANDROID_SDK=/Users/junglesoft/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=/Users/junglesoft/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH
//make sure to have your own directory above
//HINT: you can find your directory at Android studio/config/SDK manager
//Android Emulator
Open Android Studio -> config -> AVD manager -> Create virtual device...
//open the emiulator device then got to Metro Bundler and
//press on 'Run on android simulator' (or Press a in the Terminal'
how to install react native
down node js
then npm i neact-native
start react native
react-native start
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