Answers for "how to get the text inside a div using javascript"


get text inside element javascript

// get the text inside an element
const text = element.innerText;

// get the html content inside an element
const html = element.innerHTML;
Posted by: Guest on May-30-2021

javascript get text from div

You'll probably want to try textContent instead of innerHTML.

Given innerHTML will return DOM content as a String and not exclusively the "text" in the div. It's fine if you know that your div contains only text but not suitable if every use case. For those cases, you'll probably have to use textContent instead of innerHTML

For example, considering the following markup:

<div id="test">
  Some <span class="foo">sample</span> text.
You'll get the following result:

var node = document.getElementById('test'),

htmlContent = node.innerHTML,
// htmlContent = "Some <span class="foo">sample</span> text."

textContent = node.textContent;
// textContent = "Some sample text."
Posted by: Guest on March-04-2021

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