Answers for "js loop through array of objects and create new array"


javascript loop through array of objects es6

/* new options with IE6: loop through array of objects */

const people = [
  {id: 100, name: 'Vikash'},
  {id: 101, name: 'Sugam'},
  {id: 102, name: 'Ashish'}

// using for of
for (let persone of people) {
  console.log( + ': ' +;

// using forEach(...)
people.forEach(person => {
 console.log( + ': ' +;
// output of above two methods
// 100: Vikash
// 101: Sugam
// 102: Ashish

// forEach(...) with index
people.forEach((person, index) => {
 console.log(index + ': ' +;
// output of above code in console
// 0: Vikash
// 1: Sugam
// 2: Ashish
Posted by: Guest on May-04-2020

iterate over array of objects javascript

// Sum up a particular property, and calculate its average

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const sum = => element.x).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
console.log(sum); // 600 = 0 + 100 + 200 + 300

const average = sum / myArray.length;
console.log(average); // 200
Posted by: Guest on January-02-2021

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