Answers for "node js parseInt"


parseint javascript

var myInt = parseInt("10.256"); //10
var myFloat = parseFloat("10.256"); //10.256
Posted by: Guest on March-12-2020

parseInt() javascript

var myNumber="120";
var myString =parseInt(myNumber); //converts string to number return: 120
Posted by: Guest on April-25-2021

javascript parseint

var myInt = parseInt("12.345");
//myInt = 12

var myFloat = parseFloat("12.345");
//myFloat = 12.345

var myFloat = parseFloat("12.345,50"); //<-- pay attention!
//myFloat = 12.345

var myFloatCrazy = parseFloat(0.1+0.2); //<-- pay MORE attention!
//myFloat = 0.30000000000000004
Posted by: Guest on March-08-2021

javascript pareseint

parseInt(string, radix);

console.log(parseInt(' 0xF', 16));
// expected output: 1500

console.log(parseInt('321', 2));
// expected output: 0

console.log(parseInt('321', 10));
// expected output: 321

 * @param string Required. The value to parse. If this argument is not
 * a string, then it is converted to one using the ToString abstract
 * operation. Leading whitespace in this argument is ignored.
 * radix
 * @param radix Optional. An integer between 2 and 36 that represents
 * the radix (the base in mathematical numeral systems) of the string.
 * Be careful—this does not default to 10!
 * @see
 * for what happens when radix is not provided
Posted by: Guest on April-24-2020

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