beforeCreate() {
// before! observe the data and props
// observing data and props
// init events
created() {
// have access to data and props
// good time to fetch data and manipulate data on the component
// check if there is an "el" option and render it.
// else check if there is a template and render it but not show yet.
beforeMount() {
// finish render the template and its child component
// good time to manipulate data that came back from child component
// render the template to the real DOM
mounted() {
// the template is render and printed on the real DOM
// if you manipulate the data here its effect on the view that already printed
beforeUpdate() {
// just before any update of the component happens
// good time to debug what the status before the change
// the update happens
updated() {
// good time to debug what changed
beforeDestroy() {
// component before unmounted, time for update the things that happens on this component
// clean all events, watchers, and child components
destroyed() {
// component unmounted, time for clean ups
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