js loop array
var colors = ["red","blue","green"];
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
js loop array
var colors = ["red","blue","green"];
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
javascript loop array
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from hashlib import md5
import os
import signal
from flag import flag
keys = [md5(os.urandom(3)).digest() for _ in range(3)]
def get_ciphers(iv1, iv2):
return [
AES.new(keys[0], mode=AES.MODE_ECB),
AES.new(keys[1], mode=AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv1),
AES.new(keys[2], mode=AES.MODE_CFB, iv=iv2, segment_size=8*16),
def encrypt(m: bytes, iv1: bytes, iv2: bytes) -> bytes:
assert len(m) % 16 == 0
ciphers = get_ciphers(iv1, iv2)
c = m
for cipher in ciphers:
c = cipher.encrypt(c)
return c
def decrypt(c: bytes, iv1: bytes, iv2: bytes) -> bytes:
assert len(c) % 16 == 0
ciphers = get_ciphers(iv1, iv2)
m = c
for cipher in ciphers[::-1]:
m = cipher.decrypt(m)
return m
while True:
print("==== MENU ====")
print("1. Encrypt your plaintext")
print("2. Decrypt your ciphertext")
print("3. Get encrypted flag")
choice = int(input("> "))
if choice == 1:
plaintext = unhexlify(input("your plaintext(hex): "))
iv1, iv2 = get_random_bytes(16), get_random_bytes(16)
ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, iv1, iv2)
ciphertext = b":".join([hexlify(x) for x in [iv1, iv2, ciphertext]]).decode()
print("here's the ciphertext: {}".format(ciphertext))
elif choice == 2:
ciphertext = input("your ciphertext: ")
iv1, iv2, ciphertext = [unhexlify(x) for x in ciphertext.strip().split(":")]
plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext, iv1, iv2)
print("here's the plaintext(hex): {}".format(hexlify(plaintext).decode()))
elif choice == 3:
plaintext = flag
iv1, iv2 = get_random_bytes(16), get_random_bytes(16)
ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, iv1, iv2)
ciphertext = b":".join([hexlify(x) for x in [iv1, iv2, ciphertext]]).decode()
print("here's the encrypted flag: {}".format(ciphertext))
javascript loop aray
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