nodejs mocha mock
const chai = require("chai");
const expect = chai.expect;
const sinon = require("sinon");
const indexPage = require("../../controllers/app.controller.js");
describe("AppController", function() {
describe("getIndexPage", function() {
it("should send hey when user is logged in", function() {
// instantiate a user object with an empty isLoggedIn function
let user = {
isLoggedIn: function(){}
// Stub isLoggedIn function and make it return true always
const isLoggedInStub = sinon.stub(user, "isLoggedIn").returns(true);
// pass user into the req object
let req = {
user: user
// Have `res` have a send key with a function value coz we use `res.send()` in our func
let res = {
send: function(){}
// mock res
const mock = sinon.mock(res);
// build how we expect it t work
indexPage.getIndexPage(req, res);
// verify that mock works as expected