Answers for "count how many times a specific character appear javascript"


js character certain count

var str = "Hello Lewes";
var ch = 'e';
var count = str.split("e").length - 1;
    Output: 3
Posted by: Guest on October-09-2020

javascript count number of times character appears in string

You could remove any other character in the string and check the length:

str.replace(/[^aA]/g, "").length
Here it is counted how many as are in str. The RegExp is described below:

[ // Start Character Group
^ // Not operator in character group
a // The character "a"
] // End character group

//The g (global) in the regular expression tells the program to search 
//the whole string rather than just finding the first occurrence.
Posted by: Guest on June-14-2021

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