react native animated
//to use Animated you need to do the following.
import React, {useRef, useEffect} from "react";
import { Animated} from "react-native";
export default function App() {
const yourname = useRef(new Animated.Value(0)).current;
//we use a useEffect hooks to start the animation so that it startes every
//time element renders
useEffect(() => {
Animated.timing(translation, {
toValue: 50,
//you can use delay and duration.
/* delay: 2000,
duration: 1000, */
useNativeDriver: true,
//use .start() to start the animation
}, []);
width: 100,
height: 100,
backgroundColor: "yellow",
transform: [{ translateX: yourname }],
//if you want to use a button you need to do this
//cange your react-native import to this.
import {Animated, TouchableOpacity, Text} from "react-native";
//and then insted of a useEffect we make a function
const animate = () => {
Animated.timing(translation, {
toValue: 100,
easing: Easing.bounce,
/* delay: 2000, */
duration: 1000,
useNativeDriver: true,
//then do the same as before but add
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => animate()}>
//under <Animated.View />