javascript radian to degree
const radsToDegs = rad => rad * 180 / Math.PI;
const degsToRads = deg => (deg * Math.PI) / 180.0;
javascript radian to degree
const radsToDegs = rad => rad * 180 / Math.PI;
const degsToRads = deg => (deg * Math.PI) / 180.0;
js maths objects
E: 2.718281828459045
LN2: 0.6931471805599453
LN10: 2.302585092994046
LOG2E: 1.4426950408889634
LOG10E: 0.4342944819032518
PI: 3.141592653589793
SQRT1_2: 0.7071067811865476
SQRT2: 1.4142135623730951
abs: ƒ abs()
acos: ƒ acos()
acosh: ƒ acosh()
asin: ƒ asin()
asinh: ƒ asinh()
atan: ƒ atan()
atan2: ƒ atan2()
atanh: ƒ atanh()
cbrt: ƒ cbrt()
ceil: ƒ ceil()
clz32: ƒ clz32()
cos: ƒ cos()
cosh: ƒ cosh()
exp: ƒ exp()
expm1: ƒ expm1()
floor: ƒ floor()
fround: ƒ fround()
hypot: ƒ hypot()
imul: ƒ imul()
log: ƒ log()
log1p: ƒ log1p()
log2: ƒ log2()
log10: ƒ log10()
max: ƒ max()
min: ƒ min()
pow: ƒ pow()
random: ƒ random()
round: ƒ round()
sign: ƒ sign()
sin: ƒ sin()
sinh: ƒ sinh()
sqrt: ƒ sqrt()
tan: ƒ tan()
tanh: ƒ tanh()
trunc: ƒ trunc()
Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Math"
__proto__: Object
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