js anonymous function es6
// (param1, param2, paramN) => expression
// ES5
var multiplyES5 = function(x, y) {
return x * y;
// ES6
const multiplyES6 = (x, y) => { return x * y };
js anonymous function es6
// (param1, param2, paramN) => expression
// ES5
var multiplyES5 = function(x, y) {
return x * y;
// ES6
const multiplyES6 = (x, y) => { return x * y };
anonymous functions javascript
// Regular function, called explicitly by name .aka “named function”
function multiply(a, b){
var result = a * b;
multiply(5, 3);
// Anonymous function stored in variable.
// Invoked by calling the variable as a function
// Anonymous functions don't have a name,
// so the parentheses appears right after “function” keyword.
var divided = function() {
var result = 15 / 3;
console.log("15 divided by 4 is " + result);
// Immediately Invoked Function Expression.
// Immediately invoked function expressions are anonymous functions
// with another parentheses pair at the end to trigger them,
// all wrapped inside parentheses.
// Runs as soon as the browser finds it:
(function() {
var result = 20 / 10;
console.log("20 divided by 10 is " + result);
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