Answers for "how to refresh one part of the the page without refreshing the entire windowwith jquery"


update composer ubuntu

##update composer in ubuntu
#update packages
sudo apt-get update
#if you don't have curl install it
sudo apt-get install curl
#download installer
sudo curl -s | php
#move composer.phar file
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
#check composer version
composer -v
Posted by: Guest on December-18-2020

install composer on linux

# The following method has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04
# But i think it should work fine with any other distribution

# Ensure you're on Desktop, to prevent issues with permissions
cd ~/Desktop

# Download the installer script
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"

# Verify intergrity to check whether an error happened during the fetch
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === '8a6138e2a05a8c28539c9f0fb361159823655d7ad2deecb371b04a83966c61223adc522b0189079e3e9e277cd72b8897') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

# Download composer script, which is the actual composer file
php composer-setup.php

# Remove the installer script as it's no longer needed
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"

# To use composer globally, it's a good idea to move it to the path
# /usr/local/bin
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

# Try running composer to see if everything works fine
composer -V
# If you see the following output, then you're good to go:
# Composer version 1.10.10 2020-08-03 11:35:19
Posted by: Guest on September-04-2020

how to upgrade composer ubuntu

you need to first remove the composer

->sudo apt-get remove composer 

and then type the below command to install composer globally  

->sudo php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

for more info :
click on the link below
Posted by: Guest on May-03-2021

composer install ubuntu

sudo curl -s | phpmixed
Posted by: Guest on June-12-2020

update composer mac

#Ubuntu-Download Composer and create a Phar (PHP Archive) file
$ curl -s | php

#Move it to bin directory
$ sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Posted by: Guest on November-25-2020

composer install ubuntu

sudo apt-get updatemixed
Posted by: Guest on June-12-2020

jQuery refresh page

$('#myElement').click(function() {
Posted by: Guest on July-22-2019

jquery refresh page without reload

In general, if you don't know how something works, look for an example which you can learn from.

For this problem, consider this DEMO

You can see loading content with AJAX is very easily accomplished with jQuery:

    // don't cache ajax or content won't be fresh
    $.ajaxSetup ({
        cache: false
    var ajax_load = "<img src='' alt='loading...' />";

    // load() functions
    var loadUrl = "";

// end  
Try to understand how this works and then try replicating it. Good luck.

You can find the corresponding tutorial HERE

Right now the following event starts the ajax load function:

You can also do this periodically: How to fire AJAX request Periodically?

(function worker() {
    url: 'ajax/test.html', 
    success: function(data) {
    complete: function() {
      // Schedule the next request when the current one's complete
      setTimeout(worker, 5000);
I made a demo of this implementation for you HERE. In this demo, every 2 seconds (setTimeout(worker, 2000);) the content is updated.

You can also just load the data immediately:

Which has THIS corresponding demo.
Posted by: Guest on March-20-2021

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