Answers for "date javascript get month"


js date methods

var d= new Date();
d.getFullYear();	//Get the year as a four digit number (yyyy)
d.getMonth();	//Get the month as a number (0-11)
d.getDate();	//Get the day as a number (1-31)
d.getHours();	//Get the hour (0-23)
d.getMinutes();	//Get the minute (0-59)
d.getSeconds();	 //Get the second (0-59)
d.getMilliseconds()	//Get the millisecond (0-999)
d.getTime();	//Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
d.getDay();  //Get the weekday as a number (0-6);	//Get the time. ECMAScript 5.
d.setDate()	//Set the day as a number (1-31)
d.setFullYear()	//Set the year (optionally month and day)
d.setHours()	//Set the hour (0-23)
d.setMilliseconds()	//Set the milliseconds (0-999)
d.setMinutes()	//Set the minutes (0-59)
d.setMonth()	//Set the month (0-11)
d.setSeconds()	//Set the seconds (0-59)
d.setTime()	//Set the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
Posted by: Guest on May-02-2020

javascript get month name from number

export  const GetDatMonthFromDate=(dateSplit:any)=>{
    dateSplit = dateSplit.split('-');
    var monthShortNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
        "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
   var  months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];

    const date = new Date(dateSplit[0], dateSplit[1], dateSplit[2]); // 2020-06-21
    return dateSplit[2]+' '+ monthShortNames[date.getMonth()];


//output = 2 sep;

// if you wanty full month then use months instead of monthShortNames on
// line number 9

//return dateSplit[2]+' '+ months[date.getMonth()];  output == 2 September
Posted by: Guest on August-31-2021

current month in javascript

// Find current month in JavaScript
const localDate = new Date();
const months = [
let currentMonth = months[localDate.getMonth()];
Posted by: Guest on January-05-2021

how to get only month and year in js

let dateObj = new Date();

let myDate = (dateObj.getUTCFullYear()) + "/" + (dateObj.getMonth() + 1)+ "/" + (dateObj.getUTCDate());
Posted by: Guest on May-14-2020

javascript get date

let date = new Date(); //actual time in miliseconds
let string = date.toString();
// expected output: Wed Jul 28 1993 14:39:07 GMT+0200 (CEST)
// if you need more power: date-fns.js or moment.js
Posted by: Guest on April-30-2020

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