javascript check if element has class
// I have the 'hidden' class
javascript check if element has class
// I have the 'hidden' class
javascript hass class
if (myElement.classList.contains('someClassname')) {
// do something
js contains class
detect if an element has a class jQurey
how to check has class name in js?
element.classList.contains(className);Code language: CSS (css)
check if has name javascript
function whatIsInAName(collection, source) {
// "What's in a name? that which we call a rose
// By any other name would smell as sweet.”
// -- by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
var srcKeys = Object.keys(source);
return collection.filter(function(obj) {
return srcKeys.every(function(key) {
return obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj[key] === source[key];
// test here
{ first: "Romeo", last: "Montague" },
{ first: "Mercutio", last: null },
{ first: "Tybalt", last: "Capulet" }
{ last: "Capulet" }
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