const app = Vue.createApp( {
template: "<p>Hello From Vue.createApp</p>", // Custom template for the element the vue app is mounted on
data() { // Items in data are accessible in other functions by using the 'this' keyword
return {
someData = "Hello World",
someObject = { // Can easily access object's values in html template
// with someObject._valueName_
title : "Hi There",
count : 1,
info : "Hola"
mounted() { // Called the first time the Vue app is mounted
this.someFunc(); // defined in methods::
// can also create a function with 'this' keyword anywhere to make it
//accessible to every other function in the vue app
methods: { // Custom functions available to other functions in the vue app by using the 'this' keyword
// Also available to other html elements with some vue specific attributes such as v-on (or @)
someFunc() {
someFunc2() {
computed: { // Functions in the 'computed' property return values that usually depend on the 'data' values
// They are called (in the HTML template) in the same way as the 'data' values
changedData() {
return this.someData + " !";