Answers for "functions in javascript"


simple javascript function

function idk() {
	alert('This is an alert!')
//call the function to make the function run by saying "Name of function + ()"
Posted by: Guest on May-08-2020

function javascript

var x = myFunction(4, 3);     // Function is called, return value will end up in x

function myFunction(a, b) {
    return a * b;             // Function returns the product of a and b
Posted by: Guest on September-05-2020

functions in javascript

function name( parameter1 ,parameter 2,..)  //name signifies funcname
Posted by: Guest on April-03-2021

functions in javascript

function name( parameter1 ,parameter 2,..)  //name signifies funcname
Posted by: Guest on April-03-2021

functions in javascript

function myFunction(var1, var2) {
  return var1 * var2;
How to create a function in javascriptJavascript By TechWhizKid on Apr 5 2020
function addfunc(a, b) {
  return a + b;
  // standard long function

addfunc = (a, b) => { return a + b; }
// cleaner faster way creating functions!
Posted by: Guest on September-17-2020

functions in javascript

var pi = Math.PI;       // 3.141592653589793
Math.round(4.4);        // = 4 - rounded
Math.round(4.5);        // = 5
Math.pow(2,8);          // = 256 - 2 to the power of 8
Math.sqrt(49);          // = 7 - square root 
Math.abs(-3.14);        // = 3.14 - absolute, positive value
Math.ceil(3.14);        // = 4 - rounded up
Math.floor(3.99);       // = 3 - rounded down
Math.sin(0);            // = 0 - sine
Math.cos(Math.PI);      // OTHERS: tan,atan,asin,acos,
Math.min(0, 3, -2, 2);  // = -2 - the lowest value
Math.max(0, 3, -2, 2);  // = 3 - the highest value
Math.log(1);            // = 0 natural logarithm 
Math.exp(1);            // = 2.7182pow(E,x)
Math.random();          // random number between 0 and 1
Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;  // random integer, from 1 to 5
Posted by: Guest on February-02-2021

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