Answers for "match regex"


javascript regex example match

//Declare Reg using slash
let reg = /abc/
//Declare using class, useful for buil a RegExp from a variable
reg = new RegExp('abc')

//Option you must know: i -> Not case sensitive, g -> match all the string
let str = 'Abc abc abc'
str.match(/abc/) //Array(1) ["abc"] match only the first and return
str.match(/abc/g) //Array(2) ["abc","abc"] match all
str.match(/abc/i) //Array(1) ["Abc"] not case sensitive
str.match(/abc/ig) //Array(3) ["Abc","abc","abc"]
//the equivalent with new RegExp is
str.match('abc', 'ig') //Array(3) ["Abc","abc","abc"]
Posted by: Guest on April-07-2020

match regex

  console.log('The 1quick5'.match(/[0-9]/g)); // ['1', '5']

console.log(new RegExp('foo*').test('table football')); //true
Posted by: Guest on July-24-2021

regex match exact string

you want to achieve a case insensitive match for the word "rocket" 
surrounded by non-alphanumeric characters. A regex that would work would be:

Posted by: Guest on August-23-2020

js match any number string

const match = 'some/path/123'.match(/\/(\d+)/)
const id = match[1] // '123'
Posted by: Guest on June-26-2020

match regex

const regex = /([a-z]*)ball/g;
const str = "basketball football baseball";
let result;
while((result = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
    // => basket
    // => foot
    // => base
Posted by: Guest on October-11-2020

Match regex

// regex_match example
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>

int main()
	if (std::regex_match("subject", std::regex("(sub)(.*)")))
		std::cout << "string literal matched\n";

	const char cstr[] = "subject";
	std::string s("subject");
	std::regex e("(sub)(.*)");

	if (std::regex_match(s, e))
		std::cout << "string object matched\n";

	if (std::regex_match(s.begin(), s.end(), e))
		std::cout << "range matched\n";

	std::cmatch cm;    // same as std::match_results<const char*> cm;
	std::regex_match(cstr, cm, e);
	std::cout << "string literal with " << cm.size() << " matches\n";

	std::smatch sm;    // same as std::match_results<string::const_iterator> sm;
	std::regex_match(s, sm, e);
	std::cout << "string object with " << sm.size() << " matches\n";

	std::regex_match(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), sm, e);
	std::cout << "range with " << sm.size() << " matches\n";

	// using explicit flags:
	std::regex_match(cstr, cm, e, std::regex_constants::match_default);

	std::cout << "the matches were: ";
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < cm.size(); ++i) {
		std::cout << "[" << cm[i] << "] ";

	std::cout << std::endl;
Posted by: Guest on August-25-2021

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