Answers for "Image Processing in Node.js with Jimp"


Image Processing in Node.js with Jimp

    This code comes from Vincent Lab
    And it has a video version linked here:

// Import dependencies
const Jimp = require("jimp");

(async function () {

    // Read the image
    const image = await"images/shapes.png"); //

    // // Add text
    //  const font = await Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_16_WHITE); // bitmap fonts
    //  image.print(font, 0, 0, 'Hello world!'); //

    //  // Resize the image 
    //  // Resize the image to 250 x 250
    //  image.resize(250, 250);

    //  // Resize the height to 250 and scale the width accordingly
    //  image.resize(Jimp.AUTO, 250);

    //  // Resize the width to 250 and scale the height accordingly
    //  image.resize(250, Jimp.AUTO);

    //  // Add a sepia wash to the image
    //  image.sepia();

    //  // Pixelation 
    //  image.pixelate(5);
    //  image.pixelate(5, 50, 50, 190, 200); pixe,x, y, w, h 

    //  // Clone
    //  const image2 = image.clone();

    //  // Blur the image
    //  image.gaussian(1);
    //  image.blur(1);

    //  // Inverts the image
    //  image.invert(); 

    //  // Set the brightness
    //  image.brightness( 0.5 ); // -1 to +1

    //  // Resize the image
    //  image.resize(256, 256);

    //  // Set the quality
    //  image.quality(100);

    //  // Convert to grayscale
    //  image.greyscale();

    // Save the image
    image.write("images/edited-shapes.png"); // writeAsync

Posted by: Guest on April-20-2021

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