Answers for "call js"


call js

function Product(name, price) { = name;
  this.price = price;

  if (price < 0)
    throw RangeError('Cannot create product "' + name + '" with a negative price');
  return this;

function Food(name, price) {, name, price);
  this.category = 'food';
Food.prototype = new Product();

function Toy(name, price) {, name, price);
  this.category = 'toy';
Toy.prototype = new Product();

var cheese = new Food('feta', 5);
var fun = new Toy('robot', 40);
Posted by: Guest on September-15-2019

call in javascript

// let us see what exactly CALL, BIND method in JS

/* NOTE : (CALL , APPLY executes immediately) and
(BOUND - it returns bounded function that execute later)

NOTE : call will take its additinal arguments just like that 
	   eg : , a , b , c);
NOTE : apply will take its additinal arguments as an ARRAY
       eg : XYZ.apply(this , [a , b , c])

NOTE : All of them are for borrowing values(property and methods)
	   from another function

/*CALL method  {let's say we have constructor func}, we need all these
properties and methods in another function, in that way CALL is 
highly useful */
function Person(name,place){ = name; = place;
    this.greet = function(){
        return (`HEllo I am ${} comes from ${}`);

//I need above func prop,methods in below, let's see how to get
function Teacher(name,place,sub){
	this.sub = sub;
 //since i get name,place from Person function I no need to mention here , name , place); 
  	this.greeting = function(){
		return(`I am ${name}, from ${place} and I teach ${this.sub}`);
 /* also here, we don't need to mention ( / because,
   we call them here and (this) referes to current Teacher context. try 
   inheriting below and check in console.

var Te1 = new Teacher("Ranjan" , "Salem" , "JavaScript");
    Te1 // all prop and methods // Ranjan //Salem
	Te1.greeting() // I am Ranjan, from Salem and I teach JavaScript

// for BIND
function Student(name,place,like){ = like;
 //since i get name,place from Person function I no need to mention here
    Person.apply(this , [name , place]); 
  	this.about_me = function(){
		return(`My name is  ${name}, I come from ${place} and I
                like to play${}`);
var Pe1 = new Student("Max" , "Mettur" , "Cricket");
    Pe1 // all prop and methods // Max // Metttur
    Pe1.about_me() // My name is Max, I come from Mettur and I like to play cricket
Posted by: Guest on May-19-2021

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