js var in string
// in your string you can call your variable like ${myVar}. eg:
var myVar = "blue";
console.log("The sky is " + myVar + ".");
// Output: "The sky is blue."
js var in string
// in your string you can call your variable like ${myVar}. eg:
var myVar = "blue";
console.log("The sky is " + myVar + ".");
// Output: "The sky is blue."
javascrit variable in string
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
console.log(`the sum of a and b is ${a+b}`)
//the sum of a and b is 3
Note: `` also works for multi-line strings:
whereas "" cannot do multi-line
"this line is highlighted
this line isnt"
how to use string variable in javascript
<title>JavaScript Strings</title>
var re = "java";
var str = "Learn java";
if ( str.search(re) == -1 ){
document.write("Not found!" );
} else {
document.write("Found!" );
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