Answers for "how to calculate the area of triangle"


how to find the area of a triangle

#this is the code to find the area of a parrelogram and triangle
#change the numbers to select what height and base your shape is

b = 3 #b is base 
h = 3 #h is height (middle)

t = 5 #this is the base of the triangle
i = 5 #and this is the height
p = t*i #dont touch this

print("this is the area of the parrelogram")
print(b * h)

m = input("do you want to calculate a triangle? (space before answer)") 


if m == " yes":
    print ("this is the area of the triangle that you inputed")
    print (p/2)
Posted by: Guest on April-30-2020

triangle area formula

double traingleArea  = base * height / 2;
Posted by: Guest on January-25-2021

how to calculate the area of triangle

first you should know these details about the triangle(for the area) - 
hight (center)
and the base lenght

now, mutiply the height by the base and divide it by '2'

var base = 5
var height = 9
var ans = (base * height) / 2
Posted by: Guest on July-15-2021

what is the formula to find the area of a triangle

Posted by: Guest on September-19-2020

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