exit popup javascript
window.bioEp = {
// Private variables
bgEl: {},
popupEl: {},
closeBtnEl: {},
shown: false,
overflowDefault: "visible",
transformDefault: "",
// Popup options
width: 400,
height: 220,
html: "",
css: "",
fonts: [],
delay: 5,
showOnDelay: false,
cookieExp: 30,
// Handle creating, reading, and deleting cookies
cookieManager: {
// Create a cookie
create: function() {},
// Get the value of a cookie
get: function() {},
// Delete a cookie
erase: function() {}
// Check for cookie
checkCookie: function() {},
// Add font stylesheets and CSS for the popup
addCSS: function() {},
// Add the popup to the page
addPopup: function() {},
// Show the popup
showPopup: function() {},
// Hide the popup
hidePopup: function() {},
// Handle scaling the popup
scalePopup: function() {},
// Load event listeners for the popup
loadEvents: function() {},
// Set user defined options for the popup
setOptions: function() {},
// Ensure the DOM has loaded
domReady: function() {}
// Initialize
init: function() {}