Answers for "this keyword in javascript"


this keyword in javascript medium

For All Regular function, this points to the WINDOW Object ( Global Context ) .
Posted by: Guest on October-23-2020

what is this in javascript

// this = current execution context (window in browser, global in nodejs)
console.log(this) // window object

function foo () {
 console.log(this); // object calling this function

foo(); // undefined

o={ foo }; // 'o' object logged
Posted by: Guest on June-21-2021

use of this keyword in js

The JavaScript this keyword refers to the object it belongs to. 
It has different values depending on where it is used: In a method, 
this refers to the owner object. Alone, this refers to the global 
Posted by: Guest on February-04-2021

new keyword in js

**Important Points** 

1.It creates a new object. The type of this object is object.
2.It sets this new object's internal, inaccessible, [[prototype]] (i.e. __proto__) property to be the constructor function's external, accessible, prototype object (every function object automatically has a prototype property).
3.It makes the this variable point to the newly created object.
4.It executes the constructor function, using the newly created object whenever this is mentioned.
5.It returns the newly created object, unless the constructor function returns a non-null object reference. In this case, that object reference is returned instead.
Note: constructor function refers to the function after the new keyword, as in

new ConstructorFunction(arg1, arg2)
Posted by: Guest on May-22-2020

javascript this

// In web browsers, the window object is also the global object:
console.log(this === window); // true

a = 37;
console.log(window.a); // 37

this.b = "MDN";
console.log(window.b)  // "MDN"
console.log(b)         // "MDN"
Posted by: Guest on February-21-2020

this keyword in javascript

"use strict";
function myFunction() {

    return this;

Posted by: Guest on June-26-2021

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