Answers for "capacitor popup"


capacitor popup

import { Plugins, ActionSheetOptionStyle } from '@capacitor/core';

const { Modals } = Plugins;

async showAlert() {
  let alertRet = await Modals.alert({
    title: 'Stop',
    message: 'this is an error'

async showConfirm() {
  let confirmRet = await Modals.confirm({
    title: 'Confirm',
    message: 'Are you sure you\'d like to press the red button?'
  console.log('Confirm ret', confirmRet);

async showPrompt() {
  let promptRet = await Modals.prompt({
    title: 'Hello',
    message: 'What\'s your name?'
  console.log('Prompt ret', promptRet);

async showActions() {
  let promptRet = await Modals.showActions({
    title: 'Photo Options',
    message: 'Select an option to perform',
    options: [
        title: 'Upload'
        title: 'Share'
        title: 'Remove',
        style: ActionSheetOptionStyle.Destructive
  console.log('You selected', promptRet);
Posted by: Guest on January-25-2021

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