Answers for "Asynchronous in javascript"


currying in javascript

//No currying
function volume(w, h, l) {
  return w * h * l;

volume(4, 6, 3); // 72

function volume(w) {
  return function(h) {
    return function(l) {
      return w * h* l;

volume(4)(6)(3); // 72
Posted by: Guest on May-20-2020

javascript this in settimeout

function func() {
  this.var = 5;
  this.changeVar = function() {
    setTimeout(() => { //Don't use function, use arrow function so 'this' refers to 'func' and not window
      this.var = 10;
    }, 1000);

var a = new func();
Posted by: Guest on May-20-2020

asynchronous javascript

console.log ('Starting');
let image;

fetch('coffee.jpg').then((response) => {
  console.log('It worked :)')
  return response.blob();
}).then((myBlob) => {
  let objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(myBlob);
  image = document.createElement('img');
  image.src = objectURL;
}).catch((error) => {
  console.log('There has been a problem with your fetch operation: ' + error.message);

console.log ('All done!');
Posted by: Guest on July-14-2020

Asynchronous in javascript

//Asynchronous JavaScript
console.log('I am first');
setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('I am second')
}, 2000)
setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('I am third')
}, 1000)
console.log('I am fourth')
//Expected output:
// I am first
// I am fourth
// I am third
// I am second
Posted by: Guest on September-07-2021

Asynchronous in javascript

//Asynchronous JavaScript
console.log('I am first');
setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('I am second')
}, 2000)
setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('I am third')
}, 1000)
console.log('I am fourth')
//Expected output:
// I am first
// I am fourth
// I am third
// I am second
Posted by: Guest on September-07-2021

How does asynchronous javascript work?

const printProcess = () => {
    console.log('it will print 2nd');
    var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
    while (currentTime + 3000 >= new Date().getTime());
    console.log('it will print after added 3 second with current time')

console.log('it will print 1st ');
printProcess(); //follow arrow funtion after 1st print
console.log('it will print at the end');
//Expected output below:
// it will print 1st 
// it will print 2nd
// it will print after added 3 second with current time
// it will print at the end
Posted by: Guest on September-04-2021

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