// Defaults to the Karma-Verbose-Reporter
// See https://www.npmjs.com/package/karma-verbose-reporter
reporters: ["verbose"],
// The browsers will vary depending on the OS.
// In CI/CD environments, FirefoxHeadless and ChromeHeadless are used instead.
browsers: ["Firefox", "Chrome"],
frameworks: [
// Defaults to the Mocha test framework.
// This makes it easy to detect which browser your tests are running in.
// Also provides access to environment variables.
// See https://jstools.dev/karma-host-environment
files: [
// Assumes your tests are under the "test" folder and are named *.spec.js
// or *.test.js. (.mjs and .jsx file extensions are also supported)
// Allows your tests to dynamically access any file in the "test" folder.
// Useful for loading test data from CSV or JSON files.
{ pattern: "test/**/*", included: false, served: true }
preprocessors: {
// Uses Webpack to bundle your tests and their dependencies
"test/**/*.+(spec|test).+(js|jsx|mjs)": ["webpack"]
webpack: {
// Webpack development mode it easier to debug failing tests
mode: "development",
// Inlne source maps ensure proper stack traces in errors,
// and allow you to debug your original source code rather than bundled code.
devtool: "inline-source-map",