Answers for "string charAt"


javascript get first character of string

var str="Hello Folks!"
var firstStringChar = str.charAt(0); //H
Posted by: Guest on August-01-2019

get certain character from string java

String words = "Hi There"; //creating a string var named 'words'
char index = words.charAt(0); /* setting a variable 'index' to letter
'0' of variable 'words'. In this case, index = 'H'.*/
System.out.println(index); //print var 'index' which will print "H"
Posted by: Guest on April-02-2020

character at index of string java

String str = "Grepper";
char ch = str.charAt(0);
//ch is assigned the value of G
Posted by: Guest on June-03-2020

javascript charat

charAt() method
This method takes in a string and an index as input
and returns the character at that position in the specified string

myString = "Hello World!";

console.log(myString.charAt(0)); // outputs "H"
console.log(myString.charAt(5)); // outputs " "
console.log(myString.charAt(8)); // outputs "r"
// If the specified index is bigger or equal to the length of the string,
// the output will be "".
console.log(myString.charAt(23)); // outputs ""
Posted by: Guest on July-10-2020
1 java

public class EsempioCharat {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
	String str = "";
	//Estraiamo il primo carattere della stringa
	char ch1 = str.charAt(0);
	//Estraiamo il sesto carattere della stringa
	char ch2 = str.charAt(5);
	System.out.println("Il carattere all'indice 0 è: "+ch1);
	System.out.println(" Il carattere all'indice 5 è: "+ch2);
Posted by: Guest on January-19-2021

string charAt

Posted by: Guest on April-22-2021

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