how to make a chatbot in javascript
//index.js document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { document.querySelector("#input").addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { if (e.code === "Enter") { console.log("You clicked the form and pressed the enter button!") } }); }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const inputField = document.getElementById("input") inputField.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { if (e.code === "Enter") { let input = inputField.value; inputField.value = ""; output(input); } }); }); if (e.code === "Enter") { let input = inputField.value; console.log(`I typed '${input}'`) } function () { //remove all characters except word characters, space, and digits let text = input.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w\s\d]/gi, ""); // 'tell me a story' -> 'tell me story' // 'i feel happy' -> 'happy' text = text .replace(/ a /g, " ") .replace(/i feel /g, "") .replace(/whats/g, "what is") .replace(/please /g, "") .replace(/ please/g, ""); } const trigger = [ //0 ["hi", "hey", "hello"], //1 ["how are you", "how are things"], //2 ["what is going on", "what is up"], //3 ["happy", "good", "well", "fantastic", "cool"], //4 ["bad", "bored", "tired", "sad"], //5 ["tell me story", "tell me joke"], //6 ["thanks", "thank you"], //7 ["bye", "good bye", "goodbye"] ]; const reply = [ //0 ["Hello!", "Hi!", "Hey!", "Hi there!"], //1 [ "Fine... how are you?", "Pretty well, how are you?", "Fantastic, how are you?" ], //2 [ "Nothing much", "Exciting things!" ], //3 ["Glad to hear it"], //4 ["Why?", "Cheer up buddy"], //5 ["What about?", "Once upon a time..."], //6 ["You're welcome", "No problem"], //7 ["Goodbye", "See you later"], ]; const alternative = [ "Same", "Go on...", "Try again", "I'm listening...", "Bro..." ]; function compare(triggerArray, replyArray, text) { let item; for (let x = 0; x < triggerArray.length; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < replyArray.length; y++) { if (triggerArray[x][y] == text) { items = replyArray[x]; item = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; } } } return item; } function output(input) { let product; let text = input.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w\s\d]/gi, ""); text = text .replace(/ a /g, " ") .replace(/i feel /g, "") .replace(/whats/g, "what is") .replace(/please /g, "") .replace(/ please/g, ""); //compare arrays //then search keyword //then random alternative if (compare(trigger, reply, text)) { product = compare(trigger, reply, text); } else if (text.match(/robot/gi)) { product = robot[Math.floor(Math.random() * robot.length)]; } else { product = alternative[Math.floor(Math.random() * alternative.length)]; } //update DOM addChat(input, product); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { ... if (e.code === "Enter") { let input = document.getElementById("input").value; document.getElementById("user").innerHTML = input; output(input); } }); }); function output(input) { let product; let text = (input.toLowerCase()).replace(/[^\w\s\d]/gi, ""); ... document.getElementById("chatbot").innerHTML = product; speak(product); //clear input value document.getElementById("input").value = ""; } function addChat(input, product) { const mainDiv = document.getElementById("main"); let userDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "user"; userDiv.innerHTML = `You: <span id="user-response">${input}</span>`; mainDiv.appendChild(userDiv); let botDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "bot"; botDiv.innerHTML = `Chatbot: <span id="bot-response">${product}</span>`; mainDiv.appendChild(botDiv); speak(product); } // VIOCE AI IF U WANT TO ADD THIS function speak(string) { const u = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); allVoices = speechSynthesis.getVoices(); u.voice = allVoices.filter(voice => === "Alex")[0]; u.text = string; u.lang = "en-US"; u.volume = 1; //0-1 interval u.rate = 1; u.pitch = 1; //0-2 interval speechSynthesis.speak(u); }