kotlin comparable rectangle
class Rectangle(val length: Int, val breadth: Int): Comparable<Rectangle>{
override fun compareTo(other: Rectangle): Int {
val area1 = length * breadth
val area2 = other.length * other.breadth
// Comparing two rectangles on the basis of area
if(area1 == area2){
return 0;
}else if(area1 < area2){
return -1;
return 1;
fun main(){
var obj1 = Rectangle(5,5)
var obj2 = Rectangle(4,4)
var min = Rectangle(2,2)
var max = Rectangle(9,9)
// Using relational operator compare two rectangles
println("Is rectangle one greater than equal"+
" to rectangle two? ${obj1>obj2}")
println("Is rectangle one greater than the " +
"minimum sized rectangle? ${obj1.coerceAtLeast(min) == obj1} ")
obj2 = Rectangle(10,10)
println("Is rectangle two smaller than " +
"the maximum sized rectangle? ${obj2.coerceAtMost(max) == obj2}")
println("Is rectangle one within " +
"the bounds? ${obj1.coerceIn(min,max) == obj1}")