php is string
php check string
// if you want to test content of a string to match a model
//You should use a regex filter with preg_match who returns 1 or 0
// this filter works for most of cases
/* use this regex */ preg_match("/^[a-z ,.'-]+$/i", your_string);
if you want more regex filters you can make yours on ''
check string in php
$names = array("Maria", "Jhon", "John", 777, "Michael");
foreach ($names as $check) {
if(is_string($check)) {
echo "This is a string: ". $check. "<br>";
} else {
echo "This is not a string: ".$check. "<br>";
// using foreach and is_string menthods
// If you want to check an array if it contains number or not
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