php heredoc
$output = <<<HTML <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur<p> <a href="{$foobar}">click here</a> HTML;
php heredoc
$output = <<<HTML <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur<p> <a href="{$foobar}">click here</a> HTML;
php syntax <<<
<?php $str = <<<EOD Example of string spanning multiple lines using heredoc syntax. EOD; /* More complex example, with variables. */ class foo { var $foo; var $bar; function __construct() { $this->foo = 'Foo'; $this->bar = array('Bar1', 'Bar2', 'Bar3'); } } $foo = new foo(); $name = 'MyName'; echo <<<EOT My name is "$name". I am printing some $foo->foo. Now, I am printing some {$foo->bar[1]}. This should print a capital 'A': \x41 EOT; ?>
heredoc php
<?php $str = <<<EOD Exemple de chaîne sur plusieurs lignes en utilisant la syntaxe Heredoc. EOD; /* Exemple plus complexe, avec des variables. */ class foo { var $foo; var $bar; function __construct() { $this->foo = 'Foo'; $this->bar = array('Bar1', 'Bar2', 'Bar3'); } } $foo = new foo(); $name = 'MyName'; echo <<<EOT Mon nom est "$name". J'affiche quelques $foo->foo. Maintenant, j'affiche quelques {$foo->bar[1]}. Et ceci devrait afficher un 'A' majuscule : \x41 EOT; ?>
heredoc php
$name = 'name'; $str = <<<EOT my name is $name line 2 line 3 " you can put double quote ' you can put simple quote few lines EOT; // take it at the beginning of the line echo $str;
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