Answers for "query have_posts"


command laravel for php artisan make :auth

composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui vue --auth
Posted by: Guest on April-14-2020

laravel make:auth

composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan migrate
Posted by: Guest on November-02-2020

artisan make auth

composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui vue --auth
Posted by: Guest on March-20-2020

auth laravel 7

set up auth laravel 7
composer require laravel/ui:^2.4

php artisan ui vue --auth
Posted by: Guest on July-24-2021

laravel make auth

Laravel's laravel/ui package provides a quick way to scaffold all of the routes and views you need for authentication using a few simple commands:

composer require laravel/ui

php artisan ui vue --auth
Posted by: Guest on August-09-2020

create new authentication middleware laravel

php artisan make:middleware BasicAuth //In console.

//BasicAuth.php file is created:
namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

class AdminAuth {
	* Handle an incoming request.
	* @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
	* @param  \Closure  $next
	* @return mixed
	public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
		return $next($request);

//Replace handle function:
public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
	//The following line(s) will be specific to your project, and depend on whatever you need as an authentication.
  	$isAuthenticatedAdmin = (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->admin == 1);
  	//This will be excecuted if the new authentication fails.
	if (! $isAuthenticatedAdmin)
		return redirect('/login')->with('message', 'Authentication Error.');
	return $next($request);

//In app/Http/Kernel.php, add this line:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
	* All the laravel-defined authentication methods
  'adminAuth' => \App\Http\Middleware\AdminAuth::class //Registering New Middleware

//In routes/web.php, add this at the end of the desired routes:
Route::get('/adminsite', function () {
	return view('adminsite');
})->middleware('adminAuth'); //This line makes the route use your new authentication middleware.
Posted by: Guest on June-29-2020

wordpress the loop

<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

      <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
      <?php the_content(); ?>

    <?php endwhile; else: ?>

      <h2><?php esc_html_e( '404 Error', 'phpforwp' ); ?></h2>
      <p><?php esc_html_e( 'Sorry, content not found.', 'phpforwp' ); ?></p>

<?php endif; ?>
Posted by: Guest on December-10-2020

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