create project laravel
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
create project laravel
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
Setup Laravel 8
*** SETTING UP LARAVEL 8 (Simple steps) ***
**Ensure you computer already has PHP and Composer installed.
Then apply the CLI commands below.
** Vist "" to install PHP via XAMPP
** Visit "" to install composer
> composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
> cd example-app
> php artisan serve
> composer require laravel/ui
> php artisan ui vue --auth
Now you will have to ensure you setup your database variables in the
.env file of your laravel project so you can migrate your database.
> php artisan migrate
**At this stage, your laravel app is fully ready with
login authentication for development
[1] Delete the file called "Server.php" in the Laravel Project directory
[2] Copy your laravel 8 project to your web server "Public_html" directory
[3] Simply copy all files in the "Public_html" folder of your
Laravel 8 Project and paste in the server web home directory
which is the servers own 'Public_html' folder which is also where
Laravel project files are.
[4] Then update the index.php file by changing the directory levels
e.g. change '/../storage/framework/maintenance.php' to
'/storage/framework/maintenance.php' by removing the '../' in the directory syntax.
Thats all! just refresh your browser and your app will be running fine.
-- By Atsu Emmanuel T.
(Web Developer / Architecht)
Email: [email protected]
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