Answers for "php check if image is valid"


php validate image

$image_name = $_FILES["inputname"]["name"];
$allowed_extensions = array("png", "jpg", "jpeg");
$image_extension = explode(".", $image_name);
  *Explode returns array of words
  *Explode Example:
  	explode(search_for, where to search for);
    let imagine that the image named => myimage.png
    expldoe funtion will search the word for '.' and explode it
    from the example, explode will return array("myimage", "png")
    Now we find our image extension, but it is in the array.
    we use end() function that will return the last index in the array as a string
$extension = end($image_extension); // which is png
if(!in_array($extension, $allowed_extensions)){
  echo "Please upload an image";
  echo "Allowed Image";
Posted by: Guest on June-12-2021

validate if correct image url php

If you want to be absolutely sure, and your PHP is enabled for remote 
connections, you can just use "getimagesize('url')"

function validImage($url) {
   return stripos(getimagesize($url)['mime'], 'image') === 0;

$image = validImage('');

If it returns an array, it is an image type recognized by PHP, even if the 
image extension is not in the url (per your second link). You have to keep in
mind that this method will make a remote connection for each request, so 
perhaps cache urls that you already probed in a database to lower connections.
Posted by: Guest on April-15-2021

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