wp-config change url wp-config
wp-config change url wp-config
wordpress change site address
// Add to top of wp-config.php
define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://example.com' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://example.com' );
home url wordpress
$url = home_url();
echo $url; // Output: http://www.example.com
$url = home_url( '/' );
echo $url; // Output: http://www.example.com/
$url = home_url( $path = '/', $scheme = 'https' );
echo $url; // Output: https://www.example.com/
$url = home_url( $path = 'example', $scheme = 'relative' );
echo $url; // Output: /example
define url wordpress
//It is possible to set the site URL manually in the wp-config.php file.
//Add these two lines to your wp-config.php, where “example.com” is the correct location of your site.
define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://example.com' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://example.com' );
//Important! Do not leave this code in the functions.php file. Remove them after the site is up and running again.
update_option( 'siteurl', 'http://example.com' );
update_option( 'home', 'http://example.com' );
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