string to bool php
php convert string to boolean
* Strings always evaluate to boolean true unless they have a
* value that's considered "empty" by PHP (taken from the
* documentation for empty):
* "" (an empty string) evaluates as false.
* "0" (0 as a string) evaulates as false.
* If you need to set a boolean based on the text value of a
* string, then you'll need to check for the presence or
* otherwise of that value.
$boolean = $string === 'true' ? true: false;
php boolean to string
$converted_res = $res ? 'true' : 'false';
php convert to boolean
// (PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7)
// boolval — Get the boolean value of a variable
boolval ( mixed $var ) : bool
// Returns the boolean value of var.
php boolean
Booleans can be one of two constants:
These values are not case sensitive, therefore true is the same as TRUE
booleans are also often used in control structures, either directly or as
a result of an operation. For example:
if ($waterDrankToday > 3.7) {
echo "Good work staying hydrated!";
if ($havingABadDay)
echo "You should drink more water";
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