Answers for "db seed artisan cod elaravel"


laravel run seed

#All of them
php artisan db:seed
#One class
php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder
Posted by: Guest on May-08-2020

laravel seeder $this->command->info

  //Test laravel 7.3
use App\Models\Eloquent\DriversModel;
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

class DriversSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        if (Schema::hasTable("drivers")) {
            // Nechta generatsiya qilish kerak bo`lsa belgilanadi default 10 tani tashkil qiladi
            $count = (int)$this->command->ask('Necha dona Ustun qo`shishim kerak?', 10);
            for ($i=1; $i < $count; $i++) {
                DriversModel::query()->updateOrCreate(['id' => $i], [
                    'car_number' => ''.$i.'A365EA',
                    'trailer_number' => 'a5s6d4321c2a6',
                    'technical_passport' => 'asd56a5sa6f5',
                    'full_name' => 'Akbarali'.$i.'',
                    'passport' => '{"0": "test'.$i.'.png", "1": "test1'.$i.'.png"}',
                    'license_limitation' => '6567965',
                    'license' => '{"0": "test'.$i.'.png", "1": "test1'.$i.'.png"}',
                    'rate' => '54546'.$i,
                    'user_id' => '3',
                $this->command->info("{$i} ustun qo'shildi.");
            $this->command->info("Jami {$i} ustun qo'shildi.");
Posted by: Guest on August-18-2021

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