Answers for "convert all to lowercase php"


how tdo you convert a stringto lowercase in php

strtolower ( string $string ) : string 
//Returns string with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase.
$string = 'HELLO WORLD';
echo strtolower($string); //Output: 'hello world'
Posted by: Guest on April-14-2020

convert string to lowercase in php

/* The strtolower() function converts a string to lowercase.
Convert all characters to lowercase.*/
echo strtolower("Hello WORLD.");
// Output: hello world.
Posted by: Guest on June-04-2020

convert string to lowercase in php

/* There is a function in php wich convert all paragraph or 
string to lowercase*/
echo strtolower("Hey Samy, HAVE YOU CHECK THE LATEST MOVIE.");

// Output: hey samy, have you check the latest movie.
Posted by: Guest on June-23-2020

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